Hey all!
After a hectic month in Greece volunteering in a refugee camp (see here), then England for ten days for the annual UK Meet, I´m back home and catching my breath. I don´t know who´s more ecstatic–me or my cats.

Orange cat: “YOU´RE HOME!” Grey cat: “You left.”

The ten days in the UK were fantastic. The UK Meet was busy with networking, chatting, appearing on a panel about diversity and, of course, eating as much as I could. I ate so, so much Thai food. And it still wasn´t enough.
When the meet finished, I got to spend some time with my lovely publisher, Astrid, and Daniela, her awesome wife. I even found some fossils, which blew my mind.
So, back home, back at work and back to writing. I´m currently working on something with Ylva that will be announced soon. It´s something epic that I´m really excited to be a part of–so keep an eye out! Curiosity peaked? Good.
The lovely Clare Lydon interviewed me on her podcast over at The Lesbian Lounge. You can check it out here. We chat about All the Little Moments and the rumour of a prequel, about my second, and latest, release Flinging It, about dialogue and characters, and also about diversity in fiction.
I´ve also written a post over at the Ylva blog, entitled A Day in the Life of an Author. It shows how much more disorganised I am than senior editors and publishers ;). And will hopefully give you a laugh. Probably at my complete lack of focus more than anything, but still. Head over and check it out here. Feel free to judge my inability to not procrastinate.
Also, check out this awesome review over at thelesbianreview.com for Flinging It. It was definitely a great thing to wake up to on Monday. I spent all weekend battling my way through my latest draft, a young adult book, and this certainly was motivating. It got me through the Monday blues. Has anyone had a chance to read Flinging It?
Speaking of young adult, who out there enjoys reading young adult books? What do you like about them? What do you not like about them? What do you wish you could see more of within the genre? If you don´t read young adult, what could persuade you to do so?
*sits with a pen and notebook ready to take notes*